12/8/09 Whole group chat using gmail chat
Went online with about 10 others tonight using a group gmail chat. Worked well once we were all in the same group. Can only do the video link with one person at a time. Had good conversations with everyone the highlight being a swap fest of our favourite childhood TV programs!
19/8/09 using csu chat
Lots of people on line. Chat program in CSU worked well but would be better with a smaller group. Difficult keeping up with all the conversations. Discussed rules of engagement. Ken kept us to the Agenda. Discussed blogs, Folksonomy, mobile phones M learning, laptops and a thing called Ning!
Meeting Logs are stored on CSU site ....resources....POD activities....Meeting logs.
11am Skype meeting
The meeting went for one hour and the following was discussed
Skype and how to get it to work?
Exam papers and practice exam and exam issues.
The government 2.0 conference/initiative
Twitter and Yammer
Etherpad in a school setting
Group sizes re POD
Feral cats and wildlife!!!
I used the chat function in Skype as I couldn’t get Microphone working and that was ok as I could hear the conversation very clearly and could ask questions and make comments via chat. Will be interesting to see how a big group goes tonight.
2/9 Using moo
Im in the Bulga Fern Gully room and Hopper is sleeping.
Am trying to work it all out.
Found it all a bit frustrating. Had a try of all the buttons and worked out where the log was. I tried to chat using the " command as I could see what Hop was doing, going through the tutorial slides but couldnt seem to communicate. I renamed myself Kanga the white albino kangaroo who for tonight was mute!
Message of the Day MOO
"Personally I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught"
Winston Churchill
Left a message on our Facebook group re Facebook issues in schools and get two responses within a day. Some one suggested a look at google wave. Ive found some good utube short videos about it and posted the links into delicious!
Webex meeting notes
- Runs in real time
- Online meetings for groups or one on one
- Lots of interactive functions eg hand up and green tick
- Presenter can give control to others
- Presenter can share directly from desktop or application on their computer
- Everyone scribbling together on the music sheet was fun
- Why Cisco Webex?
- It runs over the top of the Internet
- Files are not stored
- It is secure
- It doesnt crash
- It is reliable
- It is a protected environment
- Ideal for Government/ education
October spent meeting with Lisa re Assignment 2.
Missesd the toolbox night but read the reports posted on the forum.
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